Naupactus viridicinctus is similar to N. dapsilis, because both have a color pattern of green squamose longitudinal stripes covered with a waxy exudate, on sides of pronotum (interrupted near middle), anterior third 4° elytral interval, whole suture and 7° intervals, and apical extremes of intervals 2º to 4º. The rest of the integument is nude of scales; long erect setae are only present near apex.
It differentiates from N. dapsilis by the larger body size, less convex eyes, wider and more quadrate pronotum, more elongate and less convex elytra, and the subapical calli more pronounced. Elytral base is bisinuate and humeri well-developed as in N. dapsilis.
Probably associated with vegetation of the Atlantic and Paranaense biogeographic provinces.