Trichocyphus formosus (Erichson)
Geographic distribution
No economic damages registered
  • Argentina
    • Catamarca
    • Jujuy
    • Salta
Other distribution
Cochabamba, La Paz, Potosí, Oruro

Antofagasta, Arica and Parinacota

Tacna, Puno
  • Naupactus formosus Erichson 1834: 258
  • Naupactus rubricollis Blanchard 1847: 202
  • Trichocyphus formosus : Heller 1921: 21
  • Amitrus nitidicollis Voss 1947: 46
  • Trichocyphus var. pulcher Kuschel 1949: 11
Trichocyphus Heller is a monotypic genus revised by Lanteri (1989). Its single species T. formosus only occurs in the high Andes of South America (Puna biogeographic province) and the coastal deserts of Chile and southern Perú.
Characters of the vestiture were studied in detail by Coscarón et al. (1991) and mouthparts, by Díaz et al. (1990a).

Based on color and distribution of the scaly vestiture Kuschel (1949) recognized three varieties of T. formosus herein treated as morphotypes: formosus from Chile and Perú; rubricollis from Argentina, Bolivia and Chile; and pulcher, from Chile. In Argentina occurs only the rubricollis morphotype, with reddish pronotum and elytra almost denuded of scales (only with erect setae).

Diplostephium meyenii Wedd., Senecio sp and Lepidophyllum sp (Asteraceae) (Kuschel 1949, 1950b), low shrubs typical of arid environments.

It is associated with vegetation of the Puna biogeographic province, between 3000- 4000 meters above sea level.
  • ERICHSON W.F. 1834. Coleoptera, 219-276. Illus. In: Meyen F.J.F. (editor). Beitrage zur Zoologie, gesammelt auf einer Reise um die Erde. Nova Acta Physico-Medica Academiae Caesareae-Leopoldino-Carolinae Naturae Curiosorum, 16(1): 219-284, illus. [Curc. pp. 252-265, pls. 38-39].
  • BLANCHARD C.E. 1847. In: d´Orbigny A. Voyage dans l’Amérique méridionale (le Brésil, la République Orientale de l’Uruguay, la République Argentine, la Patagonie, la République du Chili, la République de Bolivia, la République du Pérou), exécuté pendant les années 1826-1833. Bertrand, Paris, Levrault, Strasburg, vol. 6, part 2 (Insectes), 222 pp., illus. [Curc. Pp. 201-204].
  • HELLER K.M. 1921. Nuevos curculiónidos de la Argentina. Anales de la Sociedad Científica Argentina 91: 19-35.
  • VOSS E. 1947. Ueber Curculioniden, vorwiegend aus dem Gebiet der Anden (Col. Curc.). (111. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Curculioniden). Revista de Entomología Rio de Janeiro 18(1-2): 45-64, illus.
  • KUSCHEL G. 1949. Los "Curculionidae" del extremo norte de Chile (Coleoptera, Curcul. ap. 6º). Acta Zoológica Lilloana 8: 5-54, illus.
  • KUSCHEL G. 1950b. Los Curculionidae de Tarapacá y Antofagasta (Insecta Coleoptera). Investigaciones Zoológicas Chilenas 1(1): 13-14.
  • KUSCHEL G. IN WIBMER G. & O’BRIEN C.W. 1986. In: Wibmer G., O’Brien C.W. Annotated checklist of the weevils (Curculionidae sensu lato) of South America (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute 39, 563 pp.
  • LANTERI A.A. 1989. Estudio sistemático de los géneros Trichocyphus Heller y Mendozella Hustache (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Boletín de la Sociedad de Biología de Concepción 60: 139-147.
  • DÍAZ N.B. ET AL. 1990a. Importancia taxonómica de las piezas bucales en la tribu Naupactini. I. Género Cyrtomon Schoenherr y taxa afines (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 34(4): 861-876.
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