Floresianus sordidus Hustache
Geographic distribution
An occasional minor pest
  • Argentina
    • Buenos Aires
    • La Pampa
  • Uruguay
Other distribution
Rio Grande do Sul

Canelones, Colonia, Montevideo

Introduced in Australia and New Zealand.
  • Floresianus sordidus Hustache 1939: 40
  • Atrichonotus sordidus : Lanteri & O’Brien 1990: 708
F. sordidus is the type and the only species of Floresianus (Lanteri & del Rìo 2017). Based on its color pattern is similar to Atrichonotus convexifrons (Lanteri & O'Brien 1990), but it differentiates by the coarse setae of the odd-numbered intervals of the elytra, the more conical rostrum, the presence of a row of denticles on the inner margin of front tibiae, and the absence of a corbel at the tip of hind tibiae.

This species is flightless, probably parthenogenetic (Lanteri & Normark 1995) and females are infected with the bacterium Wolbachia(Rodriguero et al. 2010a).
A niche modeling analysis predicts that southeastern USA, central Europe, northeastern Brazil and the coast of South Africa are suitable for its establishment (Lanteri et al. 2013a).
Glycine max (L.) Merr. (Fabaceae) in Brazil (Lanteri et al. 2013), Medicago sativa L., Lotus, Trifolium repens L. and Trifolium pratense L. (Fabaceae) in Uruguay (Alzugaray et al. 1998, Lanteri et al. 2002a); Avena sativa L. (Poaceae), Phaseolus vulgaris L. (Fabaceae) and Clerodendron (Verbenaceae) in Australia (Chadwick 1965, Kuschel 1972).

Associated with native vegetation and crops of the Pampean biogeographic province.
  • HUSTACHE A. 1939. Curculionides nouveaux de l'Argentine et autres régions Sud-Américaines. Anales de la Sociedad Científica Argentina 128: 38-64, 99-124, illus.
  • CHADWICK C.E. 1965. A review of fuller's rose weevil (Pantomorus cervinus (Boh.) (Coleoptera, Curculionidae). Journal of the Entomological Society of Australia (N. S. W.) 2: 10-20.
  • KUSCHEL G. 1972. The foreign Curculionoidea established in New Zealand (Insecta: Coleoptera). The New Zealand Journal of Science 15(3): 273-289.
  • LANTERI A.A. & O’BRIEN C.W. 1990. Taxonomic revision and cladistic analysis of Atrichonotus Buchanan (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Transactions of the American Entomological Society 116(3): 697-725.
  • LANTERI A.A. & NORMARK B.B. 1995. Parthenogenesis in the tribe Naupactini (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America 88(6): 722-731.
  • ALZUGARAY R. ET AL. 1998. Situación de los insectos del suelo en Uruguay. In: Morón, M.A., Aragón A. (eds.). Avances en el estudio de la diversidad, importancia y manejo de los Coleópteros edafícolas americanos. Publicación Especial, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Puebla, Sociedad Mexicana de Entomología, pp. 151-164.
  • LANTERI A.A. ET AL. 2002a. Gorgojos de la Argentina y sus plantas huéspedes. Tomo I: Apionidae y Curculionidae. Publicación Especial de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina Nº 1, 98 pp.
  • RODRIGUERO M.S. ET AL. 2010a. Wolbachia infection in the tribe Naupactini: association between thelytokous parthenogenesis and infection status. Insect Molecular Biology 19(5): 599-705.
  • LANTERI A.A. ET AL. 2013a. On the presence of six species of Naupactini damaging soybean in Brazil. Neotropical Entomology 42: 325-327.
  • LANTERI A.A. ET AL. 2013b. Potential geographic distributions and successful invasions of parthenogenetic broad-nosed weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) native to South America. Environmental Entomology 42(4): 677-686.
  • LANTERI A.A. & DEL RÍO M.G. 2017. Phylogeny of the tribu Naupactini (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) based on morphological characters. Systematic entomology 42(2): 429-447.
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