Disease relations: Aura virus (Togaviridae: Alphavirus) was isolated in 1959 from a pool of Culex (Melanoconion) sp. near Belem (Brazil). The same virus was isolated from Ochlerotatus serratus in Misiones, Argentina (Sabattini et al. 1998). Ochlerotatus serratus and Aura virus overlap in distribution with Culex pilosus in Argentina.
The larva of this species was described by Pratt et al. from specimens collected in crabholes in Florida, and in a sluggish stream and in pools beside a stream. Adults have been collected resting on walls, in calf-baited and horse baited traps and with light traps.
Larvae were also found in a temporary pool with fresh clear standing water in a roadside ditch in full sun in Córdoba City, Argentina. The pool was approximately 6 m long and 1.5 m wide, with an average depth of 10 cm. Flooded grasses and emergent aquatic vegetation covered approximately 80% of the pool. Larvae were coexisting with Aedes albifasciatus and Culex maxi.