The larvae were found in internodes of Guadua chacoensis (Campos et al., 2011; Alvarez et al., 2024).
Under laboratory conditions, embryogenesis of Sa. identicus is completed in about three days with a 79% hatch rate, while larval and pupal development takes approximately 15–17 and nine days, respectively (Lima-Bersot et al. 2024). The entire life cycle, also in lab conditions, lasts approximately 30 days; females could survive 71 days, and each one laid an average of 88 eggs over their lifetime; 50% of females and males survived 37 and 24 days, respectively (Lima-Bersot et al. 2024). Hematophagy peaks as early as the first week of emergence (Lima-Bersot et al. 2024).
Lima-Bersot et al. 2024 present videos recording gravid females of Sa. identicus laying eggs into the bamboo internode cavity, adults escaping from the bamboo internode cavity, and courtship and copulation.