This species is cited as Wyeomyia personata by Mitchell & Darsie (1985) and earlier authors. It was currently placed in the genus Onirion. Duret (1952) referred to this species by its synonymized name, Wyeomyia brucei Del Ponte & Cerqueira, which was synonymized by Da Costa Lima (1943) (Mitchell & Darsie, 1985).
Females of Onirion personatum are readily attracted to humans in the forest during the day. The species was found to be most abundant at human bait during the morning hours, with peak activity between 10 and 12 hours.
The immature stages are only known to inhabit bamboo. Immatures stages collected in Brazil were found in association with Corethrella appendiculata, Culex soperi, Culex imitator, Culex neglectus, Orthopodomyia albicosta, Sabethes aurescens, Shannoniana fiuviatilis, Trichoprosopon digitatum, Trichoprosopon pallidiventer, Wyeomyia limai and Wyeomyia oblita.