Parapantomorus fluctuosus lacks humeri and hind wings; front coxa are separated from each other; eyes are strongly convex; and vestiture is composed of dense scales and short recumbent setae, and shows a characteristic brown and white pattern on the elytra.
This species is probably parthenogenetic, since males are completely unknown (Lanteri & Normark 1995). Guedes & Parra (2004) and Guedes et al. (2005) described oviposition habits and damage produced on Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck (=orange) in Brazil.
Citrus spp (Rutaceae), Glycine max (L.) Merr. (Fabaceae), Amaranthus spp (Amaranthaceae) and Gossypium hirsutum L. (Malvaceae) (Lanteri et al. 2002a b). In Brazil is also associated with Leucaena sp and Stylosanthes sp (Fabaceae), and it causes damage on Citrus spp (Rutaceae) (Guedes et al. 2005).
It is mainly associated with native vegetation of Chacoan, Yungas and Cerrado biogeographic provinces.