Naupactus sulphurifer is a medium-sized species, with integument almost completely nude of scales, except those that form yellow stripes covered with waxy exudate on pronotum and elytra. One stripe is across the anterior margin of pronotum, one is across the base of elytra and is connecte with a pair stripes along 4°-5° intervals; erect setae are only distinct near elytral apex; the integument of legs is usually reddish. In interruptus morphotype the longitudinal yellow stripes of elytra are not continuous in the anterior third. Antennae are very long, eyes are convex, pronotum is subcylindrical, slightly rugose and thickened at base; elytra are elongate, with well-developed humeri and slightly convex intervals; front tibiae have large denticles on inner margin and hind tibiae bear a broad, squamose corbels.
Eggs and oviposition type have been described by Marvaldi (1999), and first instar larva, by Marvaldi (1998).
Larrea divaricata Cav. and Larrea cuneifolia Cav. (Zygophyllaceae). It was also found on Gossypium hirsutum L. and Sphaeralcea sp (Malvaceae) (Bosq 1943, Lanteri et al. 2002a).
Mainly associated with vegetation of Chaco, Espinal and Monte biogeographic provinces.