Naupactus dives Klug
Geographic distribution
No economic damages registered
  • Argentina
    • Buenos Aires
  • Uruguay
Other distribution
Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina

Lavalleja, Maldonado, San José
  • Naupactus dives Klug 1829: 6
  • Naupactus klugii Boheman 1833: 572
Naupactus dives differentiates because the integument is partially covered with iridescent green scales, more dense around the punctures of the elytral striae and absent on the elytral suture; the scutellum is covered with white setae; elytral setae are short, recumbent. Antennae are very broad, covered with white hairs; pronotum is subcylindrical, rugose, with strongly curved flanks; elytra are elongate, oval, with almost straight base, rounded and reduced humeri, convex intervals and rounded apex. Corbels of the hind tibiae are absent.

Females of are more robust than males, the pronotum is wider and less convex.

It was found on Eryngium (Apiaceae), a perennial plant introduced from Europe and currently extended in the Pampean biogeographic province.
  • KLUG F. 1829. Preis-Verzeichniss vorräthiger Insectendoubletten des Königl. Zoologischen Museums der Universität. Berlin, pp.1-18.
  • BOHEMAN C.H. 1833. In: Schoenherr, C.J. Genera et species curculionidum, cum synonymia hujus familiae. Roret, Paris. Vol. 1, pt. 1, pp. I-XV, 1-381; pt. 2, pp. 383-681 [+ pp.683-685 (Corrigenda)].
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