N. bruchi is a large species, with black integument almost completely nude of scales, except on the scutellum which is covered with white scales. In females there is also a pair of oblique white stripes on the anterior third of elytra, from intervals 4° to 8°, and metasterna is also covered with white scales. Antennae are broad, pronotum is subcylindrical, with convex and slightly punctate disc, and curved flanks, particularly in males; elytra have strongly bisinuate base, broad humeri, strongly curved intervals, striae with large punctures and distinct subapical calli; front tibiae bear medium-sized denticles on inner margin and corbels of hind tibiae are broad, squamose.
Males have been described under the name N. niveopectus, current synonym of N. bruchi. They are more slender than females, with strongly convex pronotum and subtriangular elytra, lacking oblique white stripes.
Prosopis kuntzei Harms Kuntze (Fabaceae) commonly known as “itín” (Lanteri et al. 2002a).
Associated with vegetation of the Chacoan biogeographic province.