Naupactus condecoratus is characterized by the iridescent green or purple-pink scaly vestiture, mostly sparse except on a pair of stripes along sides of pronotum, extended along the 5° interval of elytra, and the sides of venter. There are minute recumbent setae mix with scales of the whole integument and a tuft of fine, long, erect setae on elytral apex.
Antennae are very long; pronotum is subcylindrical, with irregular rugosities on disc and not thickened at base; elytra are slender, elongate, very thin in lateral view, with slightly bisinuate base, punctures of striae are large, somewhat confluent and intervals show transversal rugosities; femora are darker and wider than middle and hind femora; tibiae are reddish and corbels of hind tibiae are absent.
Naupactus condecoratus differentiates from N. auricinctus mainly because elytra are longer and more flat in lateral view, they lack a pale stripe across the base and there is one distinct pale stripe along 5° interval.
Associated with vegetation of the Paranaense forest.