Platyomus bruchi Hustache
Geographic distribution
No economic damages registered
  • Argentina
    • Chaco
    • Entre Ríos
    • Santiago del Estero
Other distribution
  • Platyomus bruchi Hustache 1926: 166
Species similar to Platyomus mollis in body shape and size. Platyomus bruchi distinguishes mainly because the vestiture is dark grey to dark brown, uniform on the pronotum and with three pale brown "v-shaped" stripes (usually with black maculae along them) on the elytra. It does not have large tubercles on the elytra.
Prosopis ruscifolia Griseb. (Fabaceae) (Lanteri et al. 2002a).

I is mainly associated with vegetation of the Chacoan biogeographic province.
  • HUSTACHE A. 1926. Contribution à l’étude des Curculionides de la République Argentina (première note). Anales del Museo Nacional de Historia Natural Bernardino Rivadavia 34: 155-261, illus.
  • LANTERI A.A. ET AL. 2002a. Gorgojos de la Argentina y sus plantas huéspedes. Tomo I: Apionidae y Curculionidae. Publicación Especial de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina Nº 1, 98 pp.
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