Lanterius Alonso-Zarazaga & Lyal (1999) differentiates from Naupactus, mainly because the 2° funicular article is about as long as 1° funicular article, the rostrum is narrower, the pronotum narrower regarding the elytra, and the front tibiae lack rows of denticles on inner margin.
Lanteri micaceus (Lanteri & del Rìo 2017) shows two distinct morphotypes that coexist in its populations (Lanteri, 1985). In the morphotype micaceus the integument is completely covered with grey-scales with pinkish reflection; in the morphotype villosipennis the integument is almost nude of scales, except by a pair of whitish stripes along sides of pronotum and elytra. There is also an intermediate morphotype, covered with grey-pinkish scales and having distinct whitish longitudinal stripes.
Citrus spp (Rutaceae) and Ilex paraguariensis L. (Aquifoliaceae) (Lanteri et al. 2002a).
Associated with vegetation of the Paranaense forest.