Lanterius micaceus Hustache
Geographic distribution
An occasional minor pest
  • Argentina
    • Corrientes
    • Misiones
    • Tucumán
Other distribution
Paraná, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina

Central, Guairá, Itapúa

  • Mimographus micaceus Hustache 1947: 26
  • Mimographus villosipennis Hustache 1947: 27
  • Macrostylus (Mimographus) micaceus : Lanteri 1985: 2
  • Lanterius micaceus : Lanteri & del Río 2017: 430
Lanterius Alonso-Zarazaga & Lyal (1999) differentiates from Naupactus, mainly because the 2° funicular article is about as long as 1° funicular article, the rostrum is narrower, the pronotum narrower regarding the elytra, and the front tibiae lack rows of denticles on inner margin.

Lanteri micaceus (Lanteri & del Rìo 2017) shows two distinct morphotypes that coexist in its populations (Lanteri, 1985). In the morphotype micaceus the integument is completely covered with grey-scales with pinkish reflection; in the morphotype villosipennis the integument is almost nude of scales, except by a pair of whitish stripes along sides of pronotum and elytra. There is also an intermediate morphotype, covered with grey-pinkish scales and having distinct whitish longitudinal stripes.

Citrus spp (Rutaceae) and Ilex paraguariensis L. (Aquifoliaceae) (Lanteri et al. 2002a).

Associated with vegetation of the Paranaense forest.
  • HUSTACHE A. 1947. Naupactini de l’Argentine et des régions limitrophes (Col. Curculion.). Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina 13(1-5): 3-146.
  • LANTERI A.A. 1985. Revisión de las especies argentinas del género Macrostylus Boheman, subgénero Mimographus Schoenherr (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). CIPFE CED Orione Contribuciones en Biología 12: 1-6.
  • ALONSO-ZARAZAGA M.A. & LYAL C.H.C. 1999. A world catalogue of families and genera of Curculionoidea (Insecta: Coleoptera). Entomopraxis S.C.P., 315 pp.
  • LANTERI A.A. ET AL. 2002a. Gorgojos de la Argentina y sus plantas huéspedes. Tomo I: Apionidae y Curculionidae. Publicación Especial de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina Nº 1, 98 pp.
  • LANTERI A.A. & DEL RÍO M.G. 2017. Phylogeny of the tribu Naupactini (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) based on morphological characters. Systematic entomology 42(2): 429-447.
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