Cyrtomon ovalipennis differentiates by the dull brown vestiture, the subcylindrical and very rugose pronotum, the large punctures of the elytral striae, and the presence of large denticles on the inner margin of front and middle tibiae (female) or the three pairs of tibiae (males). Mouthparts were described in Díaz et al. (1990a b) and characters of vestiture, in Coscarón et al. (1991).
A key to species of Cyrtomon is included in Lanteri (1990a) and Lanteri & del Río (2016).
The main hosts are trees and shrubs of the genus Prosopis (Fabaceae), typical of the Chacoan biogeographic province. It was occasionally found on Gossypium hirsutum L. (Malvaceae) (Lanteri et al. 2002a).