Anopheles neomaculipalpus Curry, 1931
Geographic distribution
  • Argentina
    • Chaco
    • Corrientes
    • Formosa
    • Misiones
    • Salta
    • San Juan
    • Santa Fe
    • Tucumán
Other distribution
Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago, Venezuela.
Disease relations: the species was found naturally infected with Plasmodium falciparum in eastern Colombia and with Plasmodium vivax in Venezuela (Moreno et al., 2005) and susceptible to the experimental infection with Plasmodium vivax (Simons, 1936)
Immature stages develop in water accumulated in tracks, tire marks, cattle footprints, with full exposure to the sun. Larvae have been reported in temporary pools (Stein et al., 2011), in the edges of woods that had marshy areas, typical of cattle pasture (Dantur Juri et al., 2011), as well as artificial breeding sites such as disused swimming pools (Díaz Nieto et al., 2020). They can tolerate dirty water with cattle feces (Komp, 1942). Larvae were collected together with Nyssorhynchus argyritarsis, Anopheles argentinus and Culex maxi larvae from natural and artificial breeding sites such as side-pools of rivers and disused swimming pools (Díaz Nieto et al., 2020). As for females, it has been mentioned that they are highly anthropophilic (Moreno et al., 2005), are generally captured and their hematophagous activity is recorded during the early hours of the afternoon. Females have been collected in the border of the forest, with marshy areas where cattle graze. The species could play a role as a secondary vector of Malaria, it is eventually incriminated in malaria transmission in forest areas recently occupied by humans.
  • DURET, J. P. 1950c. Contribución al conocimiento de la distribución geográfica de los culicidos argentinos. Parte I. (Diptera-Culicidae). Revista de la Sanidad Militar Argentina 49 (4): 363-380.
  • BEJARANO, J. F. R. 1957. Distribución geográfica de Anophelini de la República Argentina. Revista de la Sanidad Militar Argentina 56 (4): 307-348.
  • DEL PONTE, E. 1958. Manual de Entomología Médica y Veterinaria Argentinas. Libreria Colegio, Buenos Aires, 349 p.
  • BEJARANO, J. F. R. 1959 (1960). Anopheles de la República Argentina y sus relaciones con el paludismo, pp. 305-329. En: J. F. R. Bejarano, E. Del Ponte and R. N. Orfila (ed.), Primeras Jornadas Entomoepidemiológicas Argentinas Vol. l. Buenos Aires.
  • CASTRO, M., GARCÍA, M., BRESSANELLO, M. D. 1959 (1960). Diptera Culicidae Culicinae, p. 547-562. En: J. F. R. Bejarano, E. Del Ponte and R. N. Orfila (ed.), Primeras Jornadas Entomoepidemiológicas Argentinas 2, Buenos Aires.
  • GARCÍA, M., RONDEROS, R. A. 1962. Mosquitos de la República Argentina l. Tribu Anophelini (Diptera-Culicidae-Culicinae). Anales de la Comisión de Investigación Científica, Provincia de Buenos Aires 3: 103-212.
  • CARCAVALLO, R. U., MARTÍNEZ, A. 1968b. Entomoepidemiología de la República Argentina. Capítulo IV. Paludismo y sus transmisores. Commun. Cient. Jta. Invest. Cient. Fuerzas Arm. Arg. 13(2): 145-341.
  • KNIGHT, K. L., STONE, A. 1977. A catalog of the mosquitoes of the world (Diptera: Culicidae), 2nd ed. Thomas Say Foundation, Entomological Society of American 6: 1-611.
  • MITCHELL, C. J., DARSIE, R. F. JR. 1985. Mosquitoes of Argentina. Part II. Geographic distribution and bibliography (Diptera, Culicidae). Mosquito Systematics 17 (4): 279-362.
  • CAMPOS, R. E., MACIÁ, A. 1998. Culicidae. Cap. 28. En Morrone, J. J. & Coscarón, S. (Eds.) Biodiversidad de Artrópodos Argentinos: Una pespectiva biotaxonómica. (pp. 291-303). La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina: Ediciones Sur.
  • DANTUR JURI, M. J., STEIN, M. MUREB-SALLUM, M. A. 2011. First report of Anopheles (Anopheles) neomaculipalpus for the northwestern Argentina. Journal of Vector Born Disease 48: 64-66.
  • ROSSI, G. C., LESTANI, E. A. 2014. New records of mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) from Misiones Province, Argentina. Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina 73 (1-2): 49-53.
  • ROSSI, G. C. 2015. Annotated checklist, distribution, and taxonomic bibliography of the mosquitoes (Insecta: Diptera: Culicidae) of Argentina. Check List 11 (4): 1712.
  • DANTUR JURI, M. J., VILLARROEL MARTÍNEZ, E. I., DUQUE, P. L., STEIN, M., MUREB SALLUM, M. A. 2022. New records of mosquitoes in Bolivia and Northwestern Argentina. Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association 38 (4): 276-279.
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