Disease relations: The species has been found naturally infected with the Bunyamwera virus in Formosa Province (Gallardo et al., 2019).
Immature stages have been collected in the following types of habitats: artificial ponds and small ground pools in a domestic area, marshy canal, small ground pools in a dry stream bed in a cultivated area, swamp margin in the partial forest, small ground pools in secondary growth, small ground pools along a watercourse, swamp interior, lakes, lake margins, lake margins in the forest, ponds in grazing areas, the margin of a swampy area at the edge of a river in a grazing area. They were taken in full sun, partial or deep shade in stagnant or slow-moving water. The water is clear or turbid, permanent, semipermanent, or temporary. Some breeding places have no vegetation; others have very little or abundant algae, and grassy, herbaceous, floating (Pistia, Eichhernia, Lemna), and submerged (Elodea) vegetation.
Females and larvae were registered throughout the year in Chaco Province, Argentina.