Disease relations: Culex coronator was detected naturally infected with Río Negro virus (Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis complex) in Chaco, Argentina (Pisano et l., 2010) and with West Nile Virus in the United States. The Saint Louis Encephalitis virus was isolated from Culex coronator specimens in Brazil (Vasconcelos et al., 1991).
Laurito et al. (2017a) synonymized Culex camposi, Culex ousqua, Culex usquatus and Culex usquatissimus with Culex coronator based on morphological and molecular data.
Immature stages were collected from shaded, grass-covered puddles and puddles between rocks in rivers and stream beds, as well as in phytotelamata in Acrocomia aculeata in northeastern provinces of Argentina (Alvarez et al. 2024).