An adult male from Formosa Province was designated as the lectotype of this taxon by Casal (see Belkin et al. 1968) Mitchell and Darsie (1985).
The three subspecific forms (haemorrhoidalis, separatus and superbus) may prove to be morphologically distinct, particularly in the larval stage; there is evidence that the distributions of haemorrhoidalis sensu stricto and superbus overlap in northern countries of South America; and available information indicates that separatus may be geographically separated from haemorrhoidalis sensu stricto and is restricted to areas southward of approximately latitude 20° south. In view of these indicators haemorrhoidalis, separatus and superbus are separate species (Harbach & Wilkerson 2023).
Larvae were collected in perforations in the bamboo cane internodes as well as from bromeliads at ground level (Apumaita et al., 2023). Alvarez et al. (2024), collected immature stages in Aechmea distichantha in northeastern provinces of Argentina.