In 1907, Cruz described Psorophora genumaculata, a species that had already been described as Psorophora saeva by Dyar & Knab (1906). In 1923, Dyar synonymized both of these names under Psorophora lineata (Von Humbold, 1819). The early literature on Argentina mosquitoes refers to saeva as either genumaculata or lineata. Del Ponte & Castro (1952) resurrected saeva as the correct name applicable to this species in Argentina, placed genumaculata in synonymy under it, and considered lineata as "nomen dubium". It was Stone (1967) who determined that lineata is distinct from saeva, and is distributed in Central and Northern South America, while saeva has a more southern range (Mitchell & Darsie, 1985).
Larva, pupa, and male unknown.