Neoatopsyche unispina Flint 1967
Geographic distribution
No economic damages registered
  • Argentina
    • Chubut
    • Neuquén
    • Río Negro
Other distribution
Female and pupa unknown.
Larva described in Angrisano (1998)
Biology in Brand & Miserendino (2011)
  • FLINT OS, JR. 1967a. Studies of Neotropical Caddiflies II, Trichoptera collected by Prof. J. Illies in the Chilean subregion. Beiträge zur Neotropischen Fauna 5: 45–68
  • ANGRISANO EB. 1998. Los estados inmaduros de Neoatopsyche (Trichoptera: Hydrobiosidae). Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina 57: 121–125.
  • BRAND C, MISERENDINO, ML. 2011. Characterizing Trichoptera trophic structure in rivers under contrasting land use in Patagonia, Argentina. Zoosymposia 5: 29–40
  • HOLZENTHAL RW, CALOR AR. 2017. Catalog of the Neotropical Trichoptera (Caddisflies). ZooKeys 654:1–566
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