Oiovelia cunucunumana Drake & Maldonado Capriles 1952
Geographic distribution
No economic damages registered
  • Argentina
    • Corrientes
Other distribution
Also known from Brazil, Paraguay, Peru, and Venezuela (Mazzucconi & Bachmann 1997), species of the genus with the largest range, from Venezuela to Argentina (Rodrigues & Moreira 2016).
  • MAZZUCCONI, S.A. & BACHMANN, A.O. 1997. Los géneros Oiovelia y Stridulivelia de la Argentina (Heteroptera: Veliidae). Revista de la Sociedad Entomologica Argentina 56(1-4): 62.
  • RODRIGUES, H.D.D. & MOREIRA, F.F.F. . 2016. A new species and new records of Oiovelia (Heteroptera: Gerromorpha: Veliidae) from Brazil. Zootaxa 4078(1): 153–160.
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