Also known from Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Panama and Paraguay (Bachmann 1966, Morrone et al. 2004, Moreira et al. 2011).
Inhabiting semipermanent ponds in shrubby and open forested areas in plains. The species is fairly common, forming small loose aggregations. Both, apterous and macropterous morphs are common (Mazzucconi & Bachmann 1995).
BACHMANN, A.O. 1966. Catalogo sistemático y clave para la determinación de las subfamilias, géneros y especies de las Gerridae de la República Argentina (Insecta, Hemiptera). Physis, 26 (71): 207-218.
MAZZUCCONI, S.A. & BACHMANN, A.O. 1995. Geographic distribution of the Gerridae in Argentina (Insecta, Heteroptera). Insecta Mundi 9(3-4): 363- 370.
MORRONE, J.J., MAZZUCCONI, S.A. & BACHMANN, A.O. 2004. Distributional patterns of Chacoan water bugs (Heteroptera: Belostomatidae, Corixidae, Micronectidae and Gerridae). Hydrobiologia 523: 159- 173.
MOREIRA, F.F.F., BARBOSA, J.F., RIBEIRO, J.R.I. & ALECRIM, V.P. 2011. Checklist and distribution of semiaquatic and aquatic Heteroptera (Gerromorpha and Nepomorpha) occurring in Brazil. Zootaxa, 2958 (1), 1–74.