Type locality: Misiones, Cerro Azul, Arroyo San Juan, V-2-49, 10M, Bejarano & Duret.
Disease relations: unknown.
Bangher (2020) collected larvae and pupae from lagoons and streams. Lagoons with water with medium turbidity, floating and emergent vegetation, and partial shade. Streams, of clear water, medium current, submerged, emergent vegetation and litter and in full sun or partial shade. Larvae of Culex aliciae were collected together with Culex educator, Culex intrincatus and Culex pilosus in lagoons and Nyssorhynchus strodei, Chagasia fajardi, Culex educator, Culex ocossa, and Culex intrincatus in streams.
Females were collected with CDC light traps with UV-light placed in a forested environment.