Toxorhynchites bambusicola (1) (Photo: R. E. Campos)
Geographic distribution
Other distribution
Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Paraguay, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Venezuela
aldrichanus Bonne-Wepster and Bonne
Not reported from Argentina by Knight & Stone (1977) Mitchell and Darsie (1985).
Habitat and breeding sites
Larvae were collected from cane internodes and a bromeliad axil with larvae of Culex imitator, Toxorhynchites separatus and a species of Wyeomyia (Campos et al., 2011). Alvarez et al. (2024) collected immature stages from Aechmea distichantha in northeastern provinces of Argentina.
GARCÍA, M., CASAL, O. H. 1968b. Siete especies de Culicidae (Diptera) nuevas para la entomofauna argentina. Physis, Buenos Aires 28 (76): 107-109.
GARCÍA, M., CASAL, O. H. 1968b. Siete especies de Culicidae (Diptera) nuevas para la entomofauna argentina. Physis, Buenos Aires 28 (76): 107-109.
MITCHELL, C. J., DARSIE, R. F. JR. 1985. Mosquitoes of Argentina. Part II. Geographic distribution and bibliography (Diptera, Culicidae). Mosquito Systematics 17 (4): 279-362.
CAMPOS, R. E., MACIÁ, A. 1998. Culicidae. Cap. 28. En Morrone, J. J. & Coscarón, S. (Eds.) Biodiversidad de Artrópodos Argentinos: Una pespectiva biotaxonómica. (pp. 291-303). La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina: Ediciones Sur.
CAMPOS, R. E., SPINELLI, G., MOGI, M. 2011. Culicidae and Ceratopogonidae (Diptera: Nematocera) inhabiting phytotelmata in Iguazú National Park, Misiones province, subtropical Argentina. Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina 70 (1-2): 111-118.
CAMPOS, R. E. 2013. The aquatic communities inhabiting internodes of two sympatric bamboos in Argentinean subtropical forest. Journal of Insect Science 13 (93): 1-17.
ROSSI, G. C. 2015. Annotated checklist, distribution, and taxonomic bibliography of the mosquitoes (Insecta: Diptera: Culicidae) of Argentina. Check List 11 (4): 1712.
STEIN, M., ALVAREZ, C. N., ALONSO, A. N., BANGHER, D. N., WILLENER, J. A., CAMPOS, R. E. 2018. New records of mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) found in phytotelmata in Northern Argentina. Zootaxa 4399 (1): 87-100.
ALVAREZ, C. N., CAMPOS, R. E., STEIN, M. 2024. Phytotelmata in native and exotic plants and their mosquito (Diptera: Culicidae) assemblages: Diversity and first records of plant-mosquito associations in a subtropical region of Argentina. Ecología Austral 34: 496-511.