This species belongs to the varipes complex, along with Psorophora varipes (Coquillett), Psorophora discrucians (Walker), and Psorophora mathesoni Belkin & Heinemann. The group has one distinguishing adult female morphological characters in common, a band of pale scales on hindtarsomere 4, while the other hindtarsomeres are dark-scaled. Guedes & Souza (1964) resurrected albigenu from synonymy with varipes, and they, along with Knight & Stone (1977) and Peyton et al. (1983) have declared that the species in South America which was previously called "varipes" is really albigenu and that the identity and distribution of "varipes" remains uncertain. Psorophora mathesoni is found only in the U.S.A, while discrucians is distributed in South America east of the Andes Mountains, including parts of Argentina, and can be distinguished from albigenu; see identification keys of Darsie (1985) (Mitchell & Darsie 1985).