The occurrence of this species in Santiago del Estero province is based on a distribution map shown by Carcavallo & Martínez (1968a p. 120). No specific locality is given (Mitchell & Darsie, 1985).
Ochlerotatus scapularis is not mentioned for the province of Santiago del Estero in Rossi (2015).
Disease relations: The Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis virus was isolated from specimens of Ochlerotatus scapularis between 1977 and 1980 in Chaco Province (Mitchell et al., 1985), and specimens of the species were found naturally infected with the same virus during 2005-2006 in Tucumán Province, Argentina (Pisano et al., 2010b). Ochlerotatus scapularis was able to harbor the Mayaro virus after an experimental parenteral infection and was able to transmit it effectively (Muñoz & Navarro, 2012). The species has been potentially involved as vector of the Yellow Fever Virus (Cano et al. 2022).
Immature stages were collected in temporary flooded depressions, near the road.