Centris (Paracentris) tricolor Friese, 1899
Distribución geográfica
Abejas solitarias, excavadoras del suelo
  • Argentina
    • Buenos Aires
    • Catamarca
    • Chaco
    • Córdoba
    • Corrientes
    • Entre Ríos
    • Formosa
    • Jujuy
    • La Pampa
    • La Rioja
    • Mendoza
    • Misiones
    • Salta
    • San Juan
    • San Luis
    • Santa Fe
    • Tucumán
  • Uruguay
Otra distribución
Brasil y Paraguay
Flores con aceite: Heteropterys hypericifolia A. Juss, Janusia guaranitica (A. St. Hil.) A. Juss and Stigmaphyllon bonariense (Hook. and Arn.) C.E. Anderson (Torretta et al. 2022).Otros recursos (néctar/polen): Pontederia cordata L. (Ramello et al. 2021)
  • JENSEN-HAARUP, A. C. 1908a. Biological researches amongst the Argentine bees with special reference to flowers they visit. Flora Fauna 10: 95-107
  • JENSEN-HAARUP, A. C. . 1908b. Hoffmanseggia falcaria, Cav., and its visitors amongst bees. Flora Fauna 10: 108-111.
  • ROIG-ALSINA, A. 2000. Claves para las especies argentinas de Centris (Hymenoptera, Apidae), con descripción de nuevas especies y notas sobre distribución. Rev. Mus. Argent. Cienc. Nat. (n.s.) 2 (2): 171-193
  • MARRERO, H. J., TORRETTA, J. P., & MEDAN, D. 2014. Effect of land use intensification on specialization in plant–floral visitor interaction networks in the Pampas of Argentina. Agriculture, ecosystems & environment, 188, 63-71.
  • AVALOS, A.A., MARRERO, H.J., FERRUCCI, M.S. ET AL. . 2021. Stigmas arrangement, reproductive system, and maternal reproductive success in two species of Stigmaphyllon (Malpighiaceae): does pollinator size matter?. Plant. Ecol. 222: 1263-1279
  • RAMELLO, P.J., ALVAREZ, L.J., ALMADA, V. AND LUCIA, M. 2021. The melittofauna and its floral associations in a natural riparian forest in Buenos Aires province, Argentina.J. Api. Res, 60(2): 241-254
  • TORRETTA, J.P., ALISCIONI, S. S., MARRERO, H.J., AVALOS, A. A. 2022. Oil flowers of Malpighiaceae and its oil-collecting bees: loyalty and robbery in a highly specialized system. Apidologie 53: 30
  • TORRETTA, J. P., MARRERO, H. J., GONZÁLEZ-VAQUERO, R., & GARIBALDI, L. A. 2023. Solitary bees in Pampean agroecosystems: a review about current status of knowledge. Journal of Apicultural Research. 1-20.
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