Abejas sociales que nidifican en cavidades preexistentes
La Rioja
San Luis
Santa Fe
Santiago del Estero
Otra distribución
PULS, J. C. 1868. Quelques insectes hyménoptères, recueillis par M. P. Strobel dans la Républic Argentine. Atti Soc. Ital. Sci. Nat. Mus. Civ. Stor. Nat. Milano 11: 257-257
VOSSLER, F. G. 2012. Flower visits, nesting and nest defence behaviour of Stingless bees (Apidae: Meliponini): suitability of the bee species for Meliponiculture in the Argentinean Chaco region. Apidologie 43:139-161
ROIG-ALSINA, A., VOSSLER, F. G. & GENNARI, G. P. 2013. Stingless bees in Argentina. En: Vit, P., S. R. M. Pedro, & D. W. Roubik (Eds.), Pot-Honey: A Legacy of Stingless Bees: 125-134. Springer Verlag; Berlin, Germany; xxv III+654 pp.
ALVAREZ, L. J., RASMUSSEN, C. & ABRAHAMOVICH, A. H. 2016. Nueva especie de Plebeia Schwarz, clave para las especies argentinas de Plebeia y comentarios sobre Plectoplebeia en la Argentina (Hymenoptera: Meliponini). Rev. Mus. Argentino Cienc. Nat., n.s. 18(1): 65-74
GEISA, M. G. & HILGERT, N. I. 2019. The honey of Plebeia molesta and other melliferous insects in the peasant culture of the Northwest of Córdoba, Argentina. Ethnobiology and Conservation 8:11
GEISA, M. G., CIAPPINI, M. C. & HILGERT, N. I. 2021. Sensory attributes of native stingless bee honey (Plebeia molesta Puls, 1869): first approaches to the characterization and preference of local consumers Ethnobio Conserv 10:27
ENGEL, M. S., RASMUSSEN, C., AYALA, R., & OLIVEIRA, F. F. DE. 2023. Stingless bee classification and biology (Hymenoptera, Apidae): a review, with an updated key to genera and subgenera. ZooKeys 1172: 239-312
ZELAYA, P. V., MOLINERI, C., BRAVO, S. J., PALACIO, F. X. & CHACOFF, N. 2023. When one’s misfortune favors others: the importance of hollows made by a plague on Neltuma trees to stingless bees nesting in Subtropical Dry forestshttps. Apidologie.://doi.org/10.1007/s13592-023-01047-3