Head in frontal view of the female. Photo: Kelli Ramos
Head in frontal view of the female. Photo: Kelli Ramos
Female in lateral view. Photo: Kelli Ramos
Head in frontal view of the male. Photo: Kelli Ramos
Male in lateral view. Photo: Kelli Ramos
Geographic distribution
Solitary bees, soil excavators
Buenos Aires
Entre Ríos
Other distribution
ROIG-ALSINA, A. & COMPAGNUCCI, L. A. 2003. Description, phylogenetic relationships, and biology of Litocalliopsis adesmiae, a new genus and species of South American calliopsine bees (Hymenoptera, Andrenidae). Rev. Mus. Argent. Cienc. Nat. 5 (1): 99–112
RUZ, L., L. COMPAGNUCCI & A. ROIG ALSINA. 2008. Andrenidae. En Biodiversidad de artrópodos argentinos Vol. 2, Sociedad Entomológica Argentina ediciones. Mendoza, Argentina. 630 pp