Notopomala glaucipes (Rehn 1906)
Distribución geográfica
Sin perjuicios económicos registrados
  • Argentina
    • Misiones
Otra distribución
  • Staurorhectus glaucipes Rehn 1906
  • Amblyscapheus glaucipes (Rehn 1906)
  • REHN. 1906a. Studies in South and Central American Acridinae (Orthoptera), with the descriptions of a new genus and six new species. Proceeding of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 58:10-50.:34.
  • REHN. 1907b. Non-saltatorial and acridoid Orthoptera from Sapucay, Paraguay. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 59:151-192.
  • REHN. 1913b. A contribution to the knowledge of the Orthoptera of Argentina. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 67:270-292
  • LIEBERMANN. 1939a. Catálogo sistemático y biográfico de acridoideos argentinos. Revista de la sociedad Entomológica Argentina 10:125-230
  • LIEBERMANN. 1947b. Nuevos materiales acridicos de la colección del Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, con algunas observaciones sobre Episcopotettix Rehn, 1902. Revista Brasileira de Biologia 7:393.
  • JAGO. 1971. A review of the Gomphocerinae of the world, with a key to the genera (Orthoptera, Acrididae). Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 123(8):205-343.
  • OTTE. 1978. The primary types of Orthoptera (Saltatoria, Mantodea, Phasmatodea and Blattodea) at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 130:26-87.
  • COSTA & JANTSCH. 1999. Acridoideos (Orthoptera, Caelifera, Acridoidea) ocorrentes no Rio Grande do Sul. Biociencias, Porto Alegre 7: 135-155.
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