C. bidens is seasonally dimorphic: Adults of the summer (First photo), Adults of the winter (Second photo). Photo: Valle et al. 2017
C. bidens is seasonally dimorphic: Adults of the summer (First photo), Adults of the winter (Second photo). Photo: Valle et al. 2017
Geographic distribution
Pest occasionally of localized importance
Río Negro
Other distribution
Psylla vasilevi Šulc
Cacopsylla jiangli (Yang & Li)
- This species is introduced. - According to Hodkinson (1989a) all records of Cacopsylla pyricola from South America concern probably C. bidens (Burckhardt 2008)
GIGANTI, H.E.; DAPOTO, G.L.; VERMEULEN, J.D. 2007. Capítulo 16: Manejo integrado de plagas de los frutales de pepita. En: Árboles Frutales. Ecofisiología, Cultivo y Aprovechamiento. Editor/es: Sozzi, G. O. Página/s: 805.
BURCKHARDT D. 2008. Psylloidea. In: Claps L. E., Debandi G. & Roig-Juñent S. (Eds.) Biodiversidad de Artrópodos Argentinos. Vol. 2. 615 p.
VALLE D., BURCKHARDT D., MUJICA V., ZOPPOLO R. & MORELLI E. 2017. The occurrence of the Pear Psyllid, Cacopsylla bidens (Šulc, 1907) (Insecta: Hemiptera: Psyllidae), in Uruguay. Check List 13(2): 1-4.
OUVRARD D. 2020. Psyl'list - The World Psylloidea Database. http://www.hemiptera-databases.com/psyllist