Martinez et al. (2003) described the immature stages of this species. Osorio (2009) and Faúndez & Osorio (2010a) reported new Chilean records and biological data about maternal care and coloration patterns associated with the cryptic habits of this species. According to Faúndez (2007b) and Osorio (2009), S. perpunctatus is considered a specialized species registered only on Nothofagus spp. However, Coscarón et al. (2015) reported it on the complex Chusquea, and in this contribution I report a new host plant, Luma apiculata “arrayán”, an evergreen native tree from the southern Andean Region in Chile and Argentina.
Nothofagus antarctica (G. Forster) Oersted, N. nervosa (Phil.) Krasser and N. obliqua (Mirb.) Oersted (Nothofagaceae); the complex Chusquea culeou E. Desv. (Poaceae: Bambusoideae); and Luma apiculata (DC.) Burret (Myrtaceae)