Location of type material: Swedish Museum of Natural History (NHRS)
Additional distributional data: the specie was cited for Buenos Aires from Martín García Island; for Córdoba from El Sauce; for Corrientes from Bella vista, Esquina, General Paz, Itatí, Mburucuyá, Saladas, San Miguel, Santo Tomé and El Sauce; for Entre Ríos from Concordia and Diamante; La Rioja; Mendoza; Misiones; Santa Fé; Santiago del Estero; Tucumán; for the rest of the provinces no locality is mentioned
This bug is commonly called "pumpkin bug"
Arachis hypogaea "peanut"
Citrullus lanatus "watermelon"
Cucumis melo "muskmelons"
Cucumis sativus "cucumber"
Cucurbita moschata "squash"
Gossypium herbaceum "levant cotton"
Morrenia sp.
Nicotiana tabacum "tobacco"
Phaseolus vulgaris "common bean"
Ricinus comunis "castorbean or castor oil-plant"
Stygmaphyllon sp.
Trianosperma sp.