Lateral view of Male of Alloscirtetica brethesi (Jörgensen, 1912). Photo: M.Lucia
Lateral view of Male of Alloscirtetica brethesi (Jörgensen, 1912). Photo: M.Lucia
Geographic distribution
Solitary bees, soil excavators
Río Negro
Other distribution
Alloscirtetica (Ascirtetica) lanata Urban, 1971
JÖRGENSEN, P. 1912a. Los crisídidos y los hymenopteros aculeatos de la Província de Mendoza. An. Mus. Nac. Buenos Aires 22: 267-338
URBAN, D. 1971. As espécies de Alloscirtetica Holmberg, 1909 (Hymenoptera, Apoidea). Bol. Univ. Fed. Parana, Zool. 3 (16): 307-369
URBAN, D. 1982. Sobre o gênero Alloscirtetica Holmberg, 1909 (Hymenoptera, Apoidea). Dusenia 13 (2): 65-80
VÁZQUEZ, D. P., ASCHERO, V., & STEVANI, E. L. 2008. Livestock grazing, habitat protection and diversity of bees and wasps in the Central Monte desert. Rev. Soc. Entomol. Argent, 67(3-4), 1-10.