Aleuas albinae Carbonell 2008
Geographic distribution
No economic damages registered
  • Uruguay
Other distribution
Uruguay: probably most of the country.
It is nocturnal and, being far less common, it is almost impossible to find specimens in the daytime. Unlike A. vitticollis (it closest species), all specimens, male and female, are long-winged.
The grasses on which this species live are Panicum grumosum and Paspalum exaltatum. Another grass species that forms dense associations in low places is Cortaderia selloana, but A. vitticollis was not found in this habitat.
  • CARBONELL. 2008. The genus Aleuas Stål 1878 (Acrididae, Copiocerinae, Aleuasini). Journal of Orthoptera Research (Jour. Orth. Res.) 17(1):1-27:4.
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