It is considered responsible for causing important reductions in gramineous plants available for livestock in natural prairies (COPR, 1982). It is usually one of the most abundant species in western Buenos Aires and northeastern La Pampa provinces, most of Cordoba, western Santa Fe and Tucuman. Recent studies on grasshoppers communities of eastern La Pampa and western Buenos Aiers determined that it was one of the three most abundant species in the region (Cigliano et al., 2000). Staurorhectus longicornis was one of the numerically dominant species during the grasshoppers outbreaks that occurred between 1989 and 1996 in southern Cordoba, eastern La Pampa and northwestern Buenos Aires. It was also responsible for considerable damages to natural and improved pastures and sugar cane in areas of Tucuman province (Cigliano and Lange, 1998).
Gramineous plants, in natural prairies and crops. Maíz, sugar cane, Sorghum.